As we approach another Christmas surrounded by a cloud of mysteries, we desire to believe in a possibility that deity became humanity, The innocence of a new born broke the silence of a creator reconnecting with His creation. The pieces of life's puzzle can fit together.
I was a lonely teenager struggling to find acceptance from anyone who would look in my direction. I felt so empty, so lost in a sea of humanity. Everyone, it seemed to me, had a direction and a purpose but me. I believed the birth narrative of Jesus, but so what. What did it have to do with me?
Alone in my bedroom one night I couldn't get out of my mind a statement from my best friend, "sure we know we're going to Hell and we're going to raise a lot of hell when we get there."
I had no desire to go to Hell but somehow know I was headed in that direction. Suddenly, I had an encounter with Jesus that shook me to the core of my being. I felt the very presence of God come into my bedroom that night. I was all alone humanly speaking. I dropped to my knees and cried out for help to a God I believed in but had no personal experience with. He spoke to my heart, "you are good when around the good and bad when around the bad, who are you?"
I cried out for God to forgive my hypocrisy and I felt a warm rush of love pour over me and I felt His acceptance. It marked me on the inside. Jesus became an abiding presence in my life from that moment on.
Christmas has a very special and personal meaning to me now. Christmas is Jesus to me. Jesus is not a religion or a belief system any more — He is my best friend, the lover of my soul. The One who guides me through life, picking me up when I fall, holding me when I'm lost or lonely, my encourager, my strength and my Lord, my Savior and my God. He is Emmanuel (God with us).
He's soon to return to the earth to receive His followers to Himself. He came 2,000 years ago, He comes every time someone opens their heart to Him and He's coming again to restore the broken world to Himself! Do you believe the birth story of the New Testament? Do you believe the death/resurrection story? Do you believe there is life after death?
Merry Christmas. Merry CHRIST-mas! "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given. His Name is called wonderful counselor, mighty God, Prince of Peace." That Jesus was/is real! You who know Him must stand up proudly and end your quiet testimony. When the apostle Paul encountered Jesus in that blinding light experience (Acts 9), he then traveled the whole know world sharing his encounter.
I had a powerful encounter with Jesus while alone in my bedroom just before I turned 16 (44 years ago). It marked me forever. I don't just believe now, I know Jesus is who He said He was because of that one divine moment in my history. But more yet, He gives me daily strength and guidance. I was a nobody from a poor family who had little education. God called me to serve Him almost immediately and since has taken me all over the world giving me opportunities to share His message. What message? "I love you so much that I'll pay the price to cover your sins." That's John 3:16 in a nutshell. That's our only hope for America; for the world.
It matters what you believe. Paul tells us in Romans 10:9-11: "if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation." For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed."
The setting of Jesus' first advent (coming): Rome is rising to its full strength. Jews are oppressed and a census is being taken to count everyone and to know who and where they are. People are nervous and scared. They begin to cry out for the Messiah to come. They beg God and they are believing the time is ripe for Him. A young virgin named Mary is engaged to be married. An angel appears to her and tells her she has been chosen to bare the Son of God. She accepts. The time for delivery has come but Rome won't wait on anyone so Joseph (her espoused) takes Mary to Bethlehem (the place of his ancestry — King David). The city is packed and there's no room for them so they find themselves having to take refuge behind a packed Inn in the horse barn/stable. Too late, babies wait for no one! Jesus is born in that barn and His first crib is a feeding trough/manger. His birth is announced by angels to shepherds who were keeping watch over their flock outside the city. They are led to the manger to worship Him.
There is awe. There is reverence. There is wonder. This is He… the long awaited Messiah now asleep in a lowly barn. A humble beginning into a world of turmoil. In about 70 years from this moment the Roman Empire will destroy Jerusalem leaving both Jews and Christians running for their lives.
But for 33 years, Jesus lives among us teaching and demonstrating to us the ways of God and the directions to His coming Kingdom. That's CHRIST-mas.
In our world of turmoil where unrest surrounds us (not unlike Rome in Jesus' day), there is hope. There is a Christ shouting to our hearts, "I love you" and willing to reveal Himself to us if we but ask! He came and told us before He left that He's coming back ... soon. He's preparing a place for us so that we can be where He is ... for all eternity (John 14). Choose now to include Jesus in your new year. Include some quiet, for some awe, for some wonder. Jesus loves you — yes all of us and He awaits your response. Soon, very soon He's coming again. Have a blessed New Year, Licking County filled with God's love and the hope only He provides.
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