Here's a safe strategy for the moment: Don't joke about Bill Cosby .
Splat. That did not go over well.
So she deleted the tweet and provided an explanation: Kidding!
Also, she got a chemical peel.

You have to hand it to Barr: She's not afraid to look like a beat-up Macy's parade balloon on social media and show what she does to try to look young in Hollywood.
You have to hand it to Barr: She's not afraid to look like a beat-up Macy's parade balloon on social media and show what she does to try to look young in Hollywood.
But she might be a little more afraid of misjudging the zeitgeist when it comes to discussing Cosby, the entertainment icon who is rapidly losing his beloved status as allegations pile up daily that he drugged and sexually assaulted multiple women going back decades.
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